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Shipping + FAQ


Shipping + FAQ

What types of payment do you accept?

We accept credit cards, debit cards, Apple Pay, and PayPal.

Do you ship internationally?

Currently we ship in the US only.

How soon till my order ships?

Products typically ship out within 3 - 5 business days.

What mail carrier do you use?

Our default shipping mode is USPS 1st class domestic. Expedited shipping is available upon request and prices vary depending on shipping mode. 

Do you accept returns or exchanges?

Returns on damaged goods are accepted within 30 days of purchase and full refunds credited to your Paypal account upon receipt and inspection of damaged product. Exchanges for same product or products of equal value also accepted as an option. Buyer pays shipping for returned items.

My question isn’t answered here!

Please get in touch via the Contact page and we’ll respond as soon as possible.